very important to read this before attempting a hack or tweak coming from this site

Before trying any PC hack or tweak here please take note that you should be careful as some of these hack or tweak might be simple, some of them are complex and might need the editing of your registry which if done wrongly could affect the performance of your system. Please proceed with caution as the author of this blog does not hold responsibility or accountability for any at all damages done to your computer system while attempting a hack or tweak that has been found in this site.

Increase windows xp stability and performance

Saturday, August 8, 2009 ·

This tweak will only work if you have 512MB of RAM or more. What you need to do basically is tell windows xp to keep itself in the RAM to prevent page file swapping which consumes CPU time and here is how you do it

1. Start the Registry Editor by opening the Start menu, then selecting Run.

2.Type in regedit and then click OK

3.Navigate through the registry tree to the following subkey:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\ Memory Management

4. Change the DisablePagingExecutive entry to 1. The complete registry information is:

Value Name: DisablePagingExecutive

Data Type: REG_DWORD

Data: 0 or 1 Default

5.Close the registry and reboot


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