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Before trying any PC hack or tweak here please take note that you should be careful as some of these hack or tweak might be simple, some of them are complex and might need the editing of your registry which if done wrongly could affect the performance of your system. Please proceed with caution as the author of this blog does not hold responsibility or accountability for any at all damages done to your computer system while attempting a hack or tweak that has been found in this site.

Create a fast shortcut for shutting down windows

Sunday, August 9, 2009 ·

This computer or pc trick will teach you to how to create a shortcut to shutdown windows fast.

1. right click and and select new shortcut

pc hacks and tricks

2.Then type the following in the command line box

C:windowsrundll.exe user.exe,exitwindowsexec

It should look like this

pc hacks and tricks

3. click next and then a window will appear asking your for the name of the shortcut, you can name it whatever you want.

This shortcut upon clicking will start immediately without warning


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